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The "five consecutive rises" in infrastructure investment have provided a strong impetus for stable growth


According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, GDP reached 307627 billion yuan in the third quarter, a year-on-year increase of 3.9%, and the economic recovery trend was further consolidated compared with the second quarter. It is worth noting that infrastructure investment in the first three quarters increased by 8.6% year-on-year, 0.3 percentage points faster than from January to August, and rebounded for five consecutive months.

Since the beginning of this year, infrastructure construction has played a positive role in expanding effective investment, helping to stabilize the overall economic market, and promoting high-quality economic development. The role of infrastructure investment as the "ballast stone" of economic growth is becoming more and more obvious.

Capital is an important weight in infrastructure investment. In order to stabilize the sources of funds for infrastructure construction, the central and local governments have continued to make efforts in terms of fiscal funds, special debts and policy-based development financial instruments.

The executive meeting of the State Council held on August 24 this year proposed to increase the amount of more than 300 billion yuan on the basis of the 300 billion yuan of policy-based development financial instruments that have fallen into the project; The local balance limit of more than 500 billion yuan of special bonds should be properly used according to law, and the issuance will be completed by the end of October. This provides financial support for infrastructure investment.

The author believes that with the blessing of reserve and continuity policies, infrastructure investment is expected to further increase, and the infrastructure field is expected to usher in a new situation of investment and construction resonance.

There is incremental funding and there are incremental projects. Recently, infrastructure construction in various places has pressed the "acceleration button", and a number of major projects have accelerated the formation of physical workload, providing a strong impetus for stabilizing the overall economic market. According to data, a total of 8,720 projects were started in September, an increase of 82.4% month-on-month; The total investment in corresponding projects was about 5.14 trillion yuan, an increase of 82.0% month-on-month and 30.2% year-on-year.

In addition, from the perspective of investment leading indicators, in the first three quarters of this year, the total investment in newly started projects increased by 20.8% year-on-year, and the funds in place for investment projects (excluding real estate development investment) increased by 21.3%, which is conducive to the sustained and stable growth of investment.

Large infrastructure has always been a pillar industry of the national economy, which can drive investment and employment, and is the "fixed needle" for stabilizing the economy. Strengthening infrastructure construction is not only an important way to stabilize investment, expand domestic demand, and stimulate economic growth, but also an important link in promoting upgrading, optimizing structure, and improving the quality of development. The "great change" of high-quality development driven by the "great speed" of infrastructure construction will stimulate more endogenous growth momentum.

At the same time, infrastructure investment has accelerated the formation of physical workload, which has become an important support for investment growth, and more investment windows are expected to gradually open, and the market will also brew more expectations and vitality.